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Elevate Your Property Portfolio via Strategic Alliances with Reliance Construction


At Reliance Construction, we have established ourselves as a reliable and credible partner to execute high-quality projects efficiently. Our extensive experience in Bay Area residences, where we remove hazardous materials such as lead, mold, and asbestos and provide demolition services, has taught us the importance of collaboration with real estate agents for successful outcomes.

With more than two decades of continuous growth and countless completed projects throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, including working on sensitive facilities like schools and hospitals, our clients appreciate several critical aspects of working with us.

We strongly suggest you hire a trusted testing company (We can provide you with some names and contact info. of trusted professionals in the industry) to visually inspect the living spaces, documenting and inventorying building materials associated with the structure suspected to contain asbestos. This inspection includes obtaining one bulk sample from the Home for asbestos analysis. Additional samples can be obtained for an additional fee.

Reasons you should consider to trust Reliance Construction

  • Exceptional attention to detail.

  • Minimal disruptions during work due to concern for cleanliness.

  • Adherence to defined timelines without delays.

  • Smooth coordination throughout various project stages (inspection, permit acquisition, execution, and project closeout).

  • Timely information updates with all required documentation followed by a certificate of completion upon finishing the project.


When it comes to hiring a hazmat abatement company, we recommend that you look into the company's violations history profile to make sure they are not cutting corners and follow all procedures. Reliance Construction has had no citations in the past 20 years that we are in business, and that tells a lot about our company's work attitude. Our impressive safety record, verified by our licensing credentials, speaks volumes about our commitment to quality and compliance.

Once we establish a professional relationship, we will conduct a complimentary in-person walk-through assessment of your current or upcoming projects, followed by a comprehensive proposal that can be electronically signed for expedited scheduling.

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